so what is jewbelong?

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why be Jewish?” That’s where JewBelong comes in. We provide straightforward explanations, readings and rituals to help warm your heart.
Have you ever asked yourself, “Why be Jewish?” Us too! The short answer is that Judaism is a somewhat easy and time-tested (like 5,000+ years) way to add meaning and connection to your life. But yeah, sometimes Judaism can be more complicated than your last girlfriend. That’s where JewBelong comes in. Think of us as the friendly, kinda funny kid from your geometry class who explained in simple language and without judgment only what you needed to know for the test. We provide straightforward explanations, readings and rituals to help warm your heart. We promise never to Jewbarrass you because we’ve been there. We’re thrilled that you’re here, and hope you find what you’re looking for.

start with a
Our booklets can take you from zero to hero! They are full of relatable, occasionally funny, and always meaningful resources to connect you to Judaism.
we are fighting antisemitism

At JewBelong, we focus on the “big” Jewish holidays; Passover, Hanukkah, High Holidays, and Shabbat. We provide some pretty fantastic booklets that you can print out. Let’s get started.
It’s not like we live under a rock or in a synagogue or anything. We understand that Judaism isn’t something most of us need on Friday nights or even on a holiday like Rosh Hashanah. We tend to need religion more when facing a lifecycle moment because that is when we like to – no scratch that, that is when we need to – feel connected to something bigger than us and to know that we belong to a community.
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01 I just found out I'm Jewish. Is JewBelong for me?
YES. JewBelong’s Judaism always stands for inclusion and welcomes everyone wherever they are (or aren’t) on their Jewish journey. Our easy explanations and meaningful rituals are just the beginning. We exist for Jews, and for people who aren’t Jewish but are part of a Jewish community, for anyone who has felt like a Jewish outsider (which TBH is probably most of us), and especially for Disengaged Jews (DJs for short).
That’s literally why our name/tagline is JewBelong: for when you feel you don’t!
We don’t care which of your parents is Jewish, or if neither of them is, whether you’ve ever set foot in a synagogue or if you don’t believe in God. Unlike so many other belief systems, Judaism, especially at JewBelong, can be flexible AF. Everything we say at JewBelong is welcoming and low-barrier. JewBelong is filled with easy-to-follow, fun, relevant, sometimes humorous, and meaningful content. So, find what inspires you and share it with the world.
02 I love this! How can I help?
Not sure you know, but JewBelong is a non-profit (a 5013c to be precise!) and we can do the work because of people like you! Please head over to our donate page to become involved.
03 Is JewBelong a substitute for Synagogue?
No. But it’s complicated. Judaism is, at its core, a communal religion, and it’s very hard to do alone. For some people, synagogue is the heart of their community and a place they look forward to being. Lots of others go out of habit or guilt, especially Holocaust guilt. (Like, our ancestors were murdered because they were Jewish… the least we can do is go to synagogue once a year, right? Well…not exactly.) That said, people’s relationship with their synagogue can be, well… complicated. Many synagogues across the United States are sucking air right now. They’re losing membership and can’t seem to excite people enough to join or come to synagogue more than occasionally. Many of them are trying hard to figure out what will make their congregations thrive, especially beyond Hebrew school. Synagogues are an important center of Jewish community though. And there are lots of different kinds of synagogues out there, maybe even one that you will love.
04 I love this! Now what?!
There is no best way to use JewBelong. Maybe you’re here because you’re pregnant and want readings for a bris, or maybe Passover is coming, and you’re about to host or go to your first Seder, or maybe you are falling in love with someone who is Jewish and you’re not and you want to see what all the fuss is about. Great. If you’re looking for something in particular, go to our search section. Search a topic and then choose the readings that you like most and use them to add meaning to everything from a Jewish milestone to your pet’s birthday celebration. We have booklets for each of the Jewish holidays and for some milestones, but everything else is more free form.
Everything on JewBelong is free, but we love when people make donations to help keep JewBelong going! (There’s a handy-dandy “donate” button at the top of the page, on what techy folks call “the nav bar.”) Thank you!